Friday, March 19, 2010

Pooh vs. The Ducks

Well, that was an interesting grocery shopping trip. I was walking down the aisle with my overfull basket in one hand and a bag of pizza shells (hubby is lactose intolerant so we don't order in pizza anymore) in the other. All of a sudden, my precariously balanced self became unbalanced as I watched my pizza shells roll down the aisle. The seal at the bottom of the bag split open and since gravity works so well, my pizza shells made a run for it. I picked up the now grimy pizza shells, trooped over to the opposite side of the store, left them with a bakery person, and I picked up another bag - carefully checking that they wouldn't fall out. They made it home without any further incident. Phew!

I have all this free time now that I'm not hand washing dishes anymore. Yay! I started a crazy looking scarf.

The yarn varies from fun fur to rayon ribbon and even sequined sections. It's seriously crazy stuff to knit with.

Crazy enough that I can't stand it for more than a few rows at a time. Don't know how I'm going to get through the second scarf.

Hubby has been hinting that I should be working on his Noro socks.

Surprisingly, they are almost matchy-matchy. I didn't deliberately do this. Just grabbed the second ball of yarn and cast on.

After staring at my Outside In/Inside Out socks for weeks, I frogged them and started over with another pattern.

I am much happier.

My quilt group came over to my house yesterday for our weekly SnB. I found this little vignette on my coffee table this morning.

These were props for explaining hockey rules - icing, off side, and I can't remember the other one. The ducks are on one team and Pooh is on the other. The ruler is some sort of line and my retractable tape measure is the hockey puck. I suspect that the Olympics have turned some of them into hockey fans.


Chris said...

I love that Pooh vs the Ducks!

Those socks are gorgeous...

I'm lactose intolerant, too (plus gluten intolerant) - weirdly, I can actually get a gluten-free, lactose-free pizza delivered to my condo. (Although, fortunately, low-fat mozzarella doesn't seem to aggravate my lactose intolerance.)

Bea said...

Ouch, sorry about the pizza shells. That scarf is seriously crazy, but not in a bad way. I'm glad you found a better pattern for your socks too.

knitseashore said...

I'm not sure from your post, but I hope you didn't fall too!

Your scarf is pretty but I do know that knitting with that novelty yarn is more difficult than it looks, trying to see your stitches under the eyelash yarn. Good thing you have the socks to switch off to.